no tables have been used to make this template, its all valid css and valid xhtml.

this site has been created for personal use only - please do not sell on this template it has been created by tri-star web design free of charge.

image hereplease note: as this is a free template the only thing i ask in return is you leave the bottom link to tri-star web design as it is, anything else you can chop and change to your hearts content. thank you for downloading this template, i hope it comes in handy.

this page is created with frontpage but you can edit it with dreamweaver - it utilises CSS and is vaild XHTML STRICT 1.0. it has also been tested in microsoft explorer, mozilla firefox, netscape 8.0 and opera - fingers crossed everything looks ok! if this is not enough it also works in 800x600 screen resolution, but is mainly for 1024x768.


image hereLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur pellentesque nisl sit amet est. Donec eu lorem. Duis at erat id lacus euismod aliquet. Ut ac nisi id lacus facilisis nonummy. Suspendisse vitae nunc vitae dui gravida euismod. Integer facilisis, sapien vitae auctor sodales, ipsum dolor dictum mi, non condimentum velit nisl fermentum eros.

Suspendisse potenti. Sed in ligula nec nisl ullamcorper porttitor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec ut lorem eu augue egestas egestas. Fusce tristique euismod lectus. Sed mollis congue ligula.


Ut id libero. In justo leo, suscipit sed, faucibus eu, euismod non, mauris. In felis tellus, ornare in, blandit id, volutpat non, nulla. Nam a dolor. Morbi at dolor. Ut porttitor metus non nunc. Ut eget arcu sit amet urna consequat mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Aliquam feugiat. Sed vel ante eget pede semper dictum. Donec consequat justo vel nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed dui nisl, fringilla nec, luctus et, fringilla et, leo.