free javascripts.
Below are a list of free JavaScript's written with xhtml markup. I have recently started to study JavaScript's and to practise I have been writing simple scripts and decided to give them away on my site. I hope they come in useful - There will be regular update as I learn more.
Each download is zipped - So you will need a program like winzip or winrar to un-zip the files.
Also each download you will need the password "tristar" to unzip.
latest scripts.
Simple Temperature Converter - (Degrees/Fahrenheit)
This script allows the user to enter a figure in either degrees then converts it to fahrenheit and visa versa. It rounds up the answer to two decimal places.
frequently asked questions.
why are your scripts free?
I have recently started university and to help me practice I decided to put all the scripts that I create on my website. That will explain why all the scripts are so varied - I'm pretty sure most of them will never get used - But hey, you never know!
view the full disclaimer
Each script has been created for personal use only. You cannot use this for money-making websites or any type of website where you will gain financially unless you have my consent.
Do not sell on these scripts it has been created by tri-star web design free of charge. Thank you for downloading my scripts, I hope they comes in handy.