Meet Jack

Bio: Howdy... I'm Jack. I have interests in various areas of web design, but mainly you'll find me playing with Wordpress, Magento, and the latest developments in languages such as HTML5 and CSS3. I'm also a keen movie watcher, and regularly watch Newcastle FC lose at the weekend. Check out my blog posts and get ready to be blown away...

Posts by Jack:


Just a quick and easy WordPress tip today to start the week! While working on my latest WordPress website, I found myself requiring the functionality to assign more than one featured image to a post. I wanted one featured image … Continue reading


The HTML5 monster has been knocking on the door of web design for a while now. It’s certainly an exciting progression with the variety of new features (video, canvas, etc) and structural elements (not just div, div, div anymore!). Despite … Continue reading


Hello there guys… I’m Jack, the latest addition to the Tristar blogging crew. I’ll be sharing useful tips and thoughts on a variety of web design areas, although my speciality is WordPress! So, on to the topic of the day … Continue reading

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